
At my first 5K, the BK 5K, September 2008!

I am a high school Science teacher, wife, mother of two, who recently found a new passion - running!  My first 5K was 5 years ago in September 2008.  I finished in 48:06!  I walked most of the course and kept saying to myself "this is so crazy"!  I didn't run again until 4 years later in February 2012!  I actually trained for this one; about two week's worth!  A friend of mine later introduced me to the Jeff Galloway training method and I got hooked.  I found that this method worked for me.  Since then, I have run several 5ks and even ran my first half-marathon at the Disney Princess Half-Marathon this past February.  I have maintained my training schedule even after the half.  I consistently run 30-45 minutes on Tuesdays and Fridays and long runs on the weekends.  I love blogging about my experiences in running in the hopes that somebody might be able to read it and say, if she can do it, so can I.

Yes, I love running, but there is life beyond it.  These are the stories that I will share when I am not running!  Thank you for stopping by!